Lesson 4
Checklist for Practice

This week we are giving everyone a chance to catch up. We've been going very quickly and it's time for some review and integration, especially integration. Hopefully some of the things we've been doing are becoming a part of your daily life in ways that are beneficial to you.


Recommended Daily Morning Practice

Recommended Anytime Daily Practice

Recommended Daily Evening Practice


Questions—Are you asking the questions you need to have answered in class? Are you having problems with any of the exercises? Remember, we're working in a group so that we can learn from each other. Asking questions helps us all.

Spiritual Mentor—You have found or are keeping your eyes open for a spiritual mentor, someone who can help you when, in your growing, you find something that throws you off-balance.

Recommended Daily Morning Practice

Meditation—Do the Three Breath Earthing cycle three times. Follow that with ten minutes of counting the breath. Finish by repeating the Three Breath cycle three times. Write down the three words that best describe how you feel after completing the meditation and earthing. Are you remembering that just sitting there for ten minutes and counting your breaths, losing count, and going back to counting is successful meditation? How are you doing at being patient with yourself?

Energy—Check the size, texture, heat/coolness, and resiliency of your energy field before and after doing the meditation and earthing practices above. There is no good or bad result for this any more than it's "better" to be a certain height. It just is what it is, and we're learning to be aware of what it is and how different things affect it. Make a note of the three words that best describe your subtle energy field at the moment.

Oracle—Right after meditation and grounding, draw one card from your oracle while asking: "What do I need to pay attention to today?"

Write down the first three words or concepts that come to your mind, and watch for and be aware of them throughout the day. It's a good practice to write them on a 3x5 card and carry them with you—then you have something handy to jot notes on about them.

Journal—Morning update, writing down your various words, thoughts, and observations from the practices above plus anything else you would like to include.

Recommended Anytime Daily Practice

Energy—Notice what your subtle energy is doing during the day by checking size, texture, and resiliency whenever you have the opportunity. Are you noticing that you can sometimes predict the changes you're experiencing? The more practice you have, the sooner this sense will begin to kick in.

Energy Changing—Either as part of your morning practice or sometime during the day, after earthing, centering, and connecting, play with the energy between your hands. See how you can change the size or texture or resiliency through letting more energy through. What can you do that makes it bigger or stronger? What makes it less?

Recommended Daily Evening Practice

Journal—Update your journal with your observations from the day. As I've said before, how much or how little you do in the journal is up to you. Obviously, the more you write, the more useful it will become, but not everyone has the time or energy or sees the need to do this. What I would like, though, is that you do make a practice of writing something in your journal each day, however little. Knowing that you are going to be writing something makes you much more observant through the day!

Let's see how we all do with integrating these things into our lives this coming week—and remember, questions in class are good!

© 2013 by Jessica Macbeth. All rights reserved.